Build a simple chat web app using Faye, Express and Vue - Part 4
In the previous part, I implemented a simple pub/sub server to push messages to the client side. In this part, I am going to implement the user interface using Vue
Build a simple chat web app using Faye, Express and Vue - Part 3
In the previous part, I added the basic authentication and authorization to the API service. In this part, I am going to implement the pub/sub messaging service using Faye and integrate it with the API service.
Let’s build an API framework - Part 2
This is the second and final part of “Let’s build an API framework”. In the previous part, I wrote about the general design and requirements for the API framework that I am going to build. In this part, I am going to implement it. The actual implementation might be slightly different from the design but the ideas stay the same.
Let’s build an API framework - Part 1
Today, I am going to take a break from the simple chat app series because I want to build something else for a change. During my work, I usually have to work with APIs a lot from integrating with existing APIs to building a new one for internal or external uses. I have tried a lot of different frameworks and even built one for my master’s thesis.
Build a simple chat web app using Faye, Express and Vue - Part 2
Previously, I had the basic API server up and running. In this part I am going to continue with the authentication and authorization (via Github). The purpose is to have a simple login system where the users need to log in (via Github) before they can send messages.
Build a simple chat web app using Faye, Express and Vue - Part 1
I have been keeping my eyes on Vuejs for quite some time, and I finally decided to build something with it. I am going to build a simple chat web app using Faye, Express and Vue. I have been using Faye and Express for several years, Vue is the new guy here.