Running mocha tests in parallel
In a project, there usually are a lot of tests. I am not going to discuss how much testing is enough because it depends on each project. What I am going to do in this blog post is to write down what I did for my work project to split a huge mocha test suite into smaller suites and run them in parallel. The end result is a testing process that used to take 7 minutes, now takes around 3 minutes. And the more test suites I run in parallel the faster it becomes.
Gulp, Mocha and Istanbul
Yes… you read that right, I am still using
. Recently, with all the hype and the fact that most of the people I know are switching to npm scripts, gulp
seems to be something in the distant past. But, here I am, still using gulp
because with gulp
or similar task manager libraries, you can share the tasks between your projects. Or you can even have a set of tasks that you usually use in your side projects in one git repository and re-use them every time you have some brilliant ideas and want to roll a new side project (and quickly abandon it like I often do).